Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link? Yes

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document? Yes

Is your game set to Public so we can see it? Yes

Tell us about your game! Our Game is a Rhythm Game, similiar to games like Guitar Hero with a mix of Vampire Survivor esque gameplay. This Prototype is just showing off working mechanics there is still a lot of fine tuning to be down to make things seem more rhythmic but the concept is being shown off quite well already in our opinion. This is our very first game and some of had a little bit of experience in programming but we had no prior experience to game design, game development etc. so we're still nowhere where we envision us to be with this game yet but it's been fun two weeks to work on a game together and we'll hopefully continue developing the game in the future.

Controls:  (UP) ARROW(Num8), (DOWN) DOWN ARROW (Num2), (LEFT) LEFT ARROW(Num4),  (RIGHT) RIGHT ARROW(Num6),

Extra Notes: Thanks for playing! More info available in our Game Design Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ei4xbLbBseG75F9Q_p7md3o96KAfhxa2pnOCDyOwkXI/...

Made withGodot
Average sessionA few minutes


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Good work on submitting a game! I like the idea of the game, but looking in for different places for the arrows to line up is almost impossible. I die quickly every time, and I really like and play a lot of rhythm games, if instead of pressing exact arrows when they line up, maybe have a beat and when you hit an arrow key on the beat in the direction you press it'll only fire if it's on beat. That way you can address enemies that are coming toward you. or maybe make the arrows easier to see, they almost matched the ground color, they need to be a wildly different color like green or maybe red since it's a fireball you're shooting. I really like the music, congrats again on getting a game submitted! Should have her doing dance moves in the center too, even though the player will be looking at the enemies

Hello!! These are things we've already been talking about ourselves, sadly due to us having very limited time to work on the game it's still lacking in a lot of places and we didn't have the resources available to fix everything before submitting our project. We just wanted to be able to submit a working prototype which gets our ideas across. Thank you for trying our game and submitting feedback, it's very appreciated!